Alright, welcome again, and thank you so much for going through this entire first stage of the teaching of this program 42 Seeds to Ben Reality. This Program Has 16 chapters. And you just completed chapter 1 which was the free trial. So you did pretty well and we included so many great teachings in the free trial. So that is not just a sample, but it's an actual experience of chapter one. Each Chapter has about 12 stages. So you just went ahead and did 12 stages of chapter one. There are 15 more powerful chapters and it gets incrementally more powerful, more deeper and at each stage truly changes and shifts your life with action steps in this home study program.

Now I want to give you an opportunity to be able to fulfill chapter 2 at no cost to you. Also if you feel you're not ready to purchase the entire 16 chapters…this helps right? So I've come up with a way where you can actually get chapter 2 also as a free trial and complimentary (that by itself by the way chapter one and chapter two that I've offered you here by itself is worth more than $500 Gift), and I'm really excited to give it to you because I want the world to experience all these changes and I know there are many people that want to experience this and have real appreciation and value. So I want to offer you chapter two…

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